The Blessing of Urgency
"Hurry Up!" I hear myself say to my children as I rush around looking for my purse."I need my keys," I say a little more harshly than I want to and yet I continue, "WHO took my keys?!" I yell to no one in particular."Do you all have your backpacks? Lunches? Coats?" I continue asking for things that should have been put out the night before, mad at my children for not getting them ready, mad at myself for not making sure they were out and ready, mad at my husband for not making me make sure I made sure they were ready. I was even mad at my in-laws for not pushing my husband into becoming a professional golfer back when he was younger so we could be on vacation right now in the Bahamas. Yes, that last one was a stretch...but I was not in my right mind.That is what happens when I get stressed.My voice gets more pitched than Dorothy's house. My heart starts racing. I suddenly get upset at things that although may be annoying, they certainly do not constitute a harsh voice.And then, I heard my children starting to get loud, more stressed, yelling at each other, "Who wore my coat? Where is my basketball?"I had been on full force since I had gotten up. Dragging myself out of bed with the kids waking me up, a quick shower, three curls of the curling iron, grabbing my clothes, and running out the door to work leaving my husband to make the lunches and make sure the kids really have all that they said they had before they leave for school.It is a constant rush.And I then knew what I had to do.I had to do it.I had to get up early.Not just early.Early.I needed to fill my heart with Jesus before I tried filling my kids' hearts and minds.And I needed to get up early to run (more on that in tomorrow's post.).For years, I had been telling myself that I did not get up early to have time with Jesus because:** I needed my sleep** I love to dive in to the Word and I often want to spend time looking at other verses and reading more and time suddenly slips away and I do not have time to do that in the morning.** I have to keep watching the clock and I will be too distracted. But the real reason was: I LOVE TO SLEEP.I always have. My mama told me that even when I was a baby, I would sleep 20 out of 24 hours. I I knew it down deep. I needed to have something good in my heart so something good could come out."She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the law of kindness is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26 Y'all kindness was so far away from my tongue this morning. So, I did that whole getting up early thing. And you know what happened? He gave me the rest I needed.I found ways to see His Word in living action all day.I found that my time was enough because His timing is perfect. I found my sweet kind voice once again. And I also laid out the clothes the night before. It was going to be a good day.
Inspire Me Monday Instructions
What’s your inspirational story? Link up below, and don’t forget the 1-2-3s of building community:1. Link up your most inspirational post from the previous week (just ONE, please).2. Vist TWO other contributors (especially the person who linked up right before you) and leave an encouraging comment.3. Spread the cheer THREE ways! Tweet something from a post you read, share a post on your Facebook page, stumble upon it, pin it or whatever social media outlet you prefer–just do it!Please link back to this week’s post or add the button to your post so that we can spread the inspirational cheer :).I found inspiration for my Monday at #inspirememondays. Join us! (tweet this)Take a moment to visit Anita, the other hostess.So, go ahead! Take the plunge and share your most inspiring post with us! [inlinkz_linkup id=579635 mode=1]