A Gift of Printables, Gift Ideas, and Stillness for YOU



Be Still.

 It is the last thing we can do when we have presents to buy, meals to prepare, and Christmas Concerts to attend. Including the concerts my students are attending, I have five in one week! As other teachers reading this know, all things Christmas are doubled with lessons to prepare and parties to plan. Add to that, my boys' games to go to, my daughter's college antics to follow, books to read, and words to write, this season is anything but still. And yet, that is what God tells us to do. Psalm 46:10 tells us to "Be still and know that I am God."  So instead of just reminding myself, I wanted to remind about 100 women. I wanted to create a space where women could feel they were not alone.  Or maybe it was so I wouldn't feel alone in this time of year that can often bring about anxiety and comparing. So, I got together with a friend and we started dreaming...and INSPIRE was born. IMG_5734 An annual Conference which gives space to eat, dream, hope, learn, and plan.  It is a space to encourage and challenge each other to do whatever we are doing...with excellence. And some pretty sweet swag bags! Thanks for all your help Mom and Dad and family - Get ready for next year!     This year we did CLUTTER FREE CHRISTMAS.Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 7.59.20 PM     We had an amazing worship team lead us... IMG_5743        Dr. Whitney gave us practical breathing strategies, goal setting tips, and reminded us that a little bit of planning goes a long way when you are with family.I broke down the verse Luke 2:14 and was reminded that the God who moved the whole world so that Mary could be in Bethlehem with Baby Jesus is the same God who meets us in our messes. I gave Clutter Free Strategies, Christmas gifts to remember, and a challenge to actually enjoy this season. I even shared a few apps to make Christmas so much easier! IMG_0162   46443444_1833997880056753_6516190060683984896_n        I also got to have the cutest registration help with my daughter, Leah, her friend, Hope, and my nieces, Greta and Linnea.IMG_6735  {Greta, Linnea, Me, Leah, Hope}   Now, it has been a while since I have written a post because I have been planning this conference.  With it being sold out,  Lord willing, we will have one every year! But I have also made my mind up to write a little bit more, leave my bed unmade a bit more (Okay, maybe that should be make my bed more...), and make this the Christmas that may not be perfect, but I will spend intentional moments just being still. As a thank you to YOU for being a kindred friend in this messy, but beautiful thing we call life, I am giving you the link to that talk.  Well, not the actual talk, the snippets that were recorded may be available sometime, but I still have some good stuff here: printable verses, quotes, gift ideas, and the cutest Christmas emojis you can use on your Christmas cards this year!  All FREE. ALL FOR YOU!  As my gift to say you are not alone.  We are in this together! And let's do this Christmas with less stress and more focusing on the One who gave us the Greatest Gift - His Son - Grace to all who believe. Just click on this for the free powerpoint filled with verse slides to print, actions to take to make your Christmas more focused, and quotes to encourage you to rest in God's Grace this season. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14hgF-IKDFOu57po9HpoXMQtP7EZZNc-G/view?usp=sharing  Merry Christmas! xoxo,Angie