The Power of What You Do - YOU MATTER
It was a tough day...
I was checking my Instagram feed during the day which I usually do not do as I find with teaching, I have little time for anything else. But on this particular day, I had no school so I was swiping up to see all that every one else seemed to be doing. I saw people who I wanted to be. I saw authors who were reaching thousands of readers. I saw teachers who were impacting thousands of lives. I saw moms who were making cute lunches. And I thought...Does what I do even matter? Does what I say even matter to any one? And then, I checked my Facebook as I thought, "I might as well see even more people I want to be,"... I told you, it was a tough day...and I saw this:
I literally saw this 5 minutes after Satan was trying to make me question if what I do matters. And I don't share this to point to me and what I wrote or did, I am sure even Haley could tell you the mistakes Mike and I made as we were youth leaders, but I am posting this to point to God...and that in His infinite grace, chose this day, this moment, for Haley to post and for me to read.
Mamas, what you do matters. The lunches you make, the hard bleachers you sit on day after day. Writers, the words you write matter, the articles, the posts, the books. Teachers, what you do matters, the lesson plans, the learning experiences, the grading, the decorating. Youth leaders, what you do matters. The meetings, the retreats, the conversations, the Bible studies. Friends, the jobs you go to every day matters - the conference calls, the proposals, the lunch meetings, the lunch boxes you fill, each and every thing you do matters.
Need a little auditory reminder? Listen to this as you work today...
{Ray Boltz} Thank you
Just know that today - You matter - and yet, although what you do matters, it is not because of what you do, but WHO YOU BELONG TO that makes you who you are... You are a child of God! The One who would rather die than live without you created you for His works.
Philippians 1:6:
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
What can you do for His glory today? It may seem small like sending a Facebook message, but our small is His big! Thanks Haley, for this reminder to me.