Inspire Me Monday - Week Fifteen

Inspire Me Monday cropped 250x250Y'all, I am sick.  Worse than I have been in a while.  I was up all night seeing my dinner once again. I know....gross.  Is there a good way to say that?I was supposed to go to the Festival ad Faith and Writing this weekend, but so many things came up in my family and God was just telling me to sit out this one.  Well, this wise woman was doing one of the keynotes, so here is my gift to you:  anne lamott  Isn't that so good?  So, please have grace that this post is sort of short and I will be a little late in visiting your pages these week. I am hoping to go back to bed as I feel a little more rumbling in the tummy.(Seriously, how do you write you are sick with tact?  Please put THAT in the comments if you have a great way to write that you are sick without giving gory details!) And now for the inspiration from this community that makes our shoulders let down in comfort and know we are not alone.If you have a minute, please go say HI to our sweet hostesses. These friends make the most of their moments with sweet words, photos, and inspirations. And starting in May, we will be having guest hostesses! I cannot wait!Angie {Facebook, Twitter}, Cindy {Facebook, Twitter}, Denise {Facebook,Twitter}, Natalie {Facebook, Twitter}, and Robin {Blog, Twitter}And here is where we make it easy to share a little love - just copy this code to put in your blog post.

 Angie Ryg

 So now it is your turn...We all need a little inspiration.Rules are easy peasy:1. Write, show, or share something that will inspire others. It can be one thing or several. It can be a quick thing like a quote or a longer thing like sharing some verses in the Bible and what it says to you or a tutorial on making your own wrapping paper. Anything goes.2. No blog? No worries… share in your comments something that could inspire others.3. Link back over here using that sweet little button made just for this or a blog link and invite your friends.3. Link up your blog and join the community of inspiring people by using the cute little linky tool.4. Use the URL of your specific post, not just your home page. We want to get right to the inspiration that you are sharing with us!5. Make sure you go get some inspiration from other bloggers, but especially the one right before you and give a little commentencouragement! This is the fun part ~ already encouraging and inspiring others right from the get go!