Hopes for Infinity and Beyond cake pops, children, dreams, finding joy in everyda..., goals, hopes, Jesus, marathonangieryg@att.netMay 10, 2011 Comments
I Wanted To Do It First...It's a Mom Thing... First Time, good gfits, Nature Center, The Grove, Turtles, water scorpionangieryg@att.netApril 28, 2011Comment
I Want Candy! blind, candy, counsel, Easter, schedule, Sunday Schoolangieryg@att.netApril 27, 2011 Comment
Happy Birthday to Me! birthday, forever friends, friends, gifts, songs of loveangieryg@att.netApril 6, 2011 Comments
I'm Back! Awana, expectation, mandarin oranges, miracles, pj's, readers, refreshment, snacks, toffeeangieryg@att.netApril 6, 2011 Comments
"I'm gettin' the HAND of it!" colossians, encouragement, swimming, united in loveangieryg@att.netJuly 26, 2010Comment
Cure for the Flu-A Fixed Washing Machine clean sheets, cuddles, family, flu, pukingangieryg@att.netJune 22, 2009 Comment
A Reflection of Me Miriam, patience, reflection, Reflection of our hearts, Sweet Boyangieryg@att.netNovember 18, 2008 Comment
"I Miss Beste Far" beste far, beste mor, finding joy in everyda..., Mark Schultz, sacrifices as a motherangieryg@att.netNovember 1, 2008Comment
Calgon, don't take me away! We're having too much fun! bath in the sink, Jeremiah 29:11, joy, peace, plansangieryg@att.netOctober 28, 2008Comment
Example of a Pure Prayer Jesus, newspaper, prayer, vacation bible schoolangieryg@att.netJuly 31, 2008Comment